Two loved these iceblocks, one wasn't so keen. Becky has a sweet tooth and had we laced them with some honey I think she would have fallen for them as well.
Everyone liked the ambrosia, especially as Emily added some more mini marshmallows than the recipe I had created for her to try. She's 7 and can cut grapes easily with a not too sharp knife and use a measuring cup and spoons but using an electric beater to whip the cream was a little scary, so we did it together.
The ice blocks. were are made with Barker's Vegelife Fruit and Vegetable concentrate which is new on the market. And the recipe for these came from
their website.
Vegelife has no refined sugar or artificial sweeteners, no preservatives and no added colours or flavours. And it contains a wide spectrum of polyphenols and antioxidants including Vitamins A & C. For kids who hate eating veggies it is a great way to add some vegetable goodness to their diets.
Vegelife Ice blocks
To make these ice blocks we simply diluted 1 part of Vegelife to 3.5 parts of water. Then poured it into ice block moulds to freeze.
For dessert we made our version of Ambrosia (the food of the Gods in ancient Greece). This was a little more decadent but easy and fun to make. Stirring in a little Vegelife turned it a deliciously delicate pink.
We made it with grapes, but next time they can be creative and design their personal version by substituting their favourite fruit or some desiccated coconut.
If the Vegelife has run out a fruit flavoured yoghurt would be fine as well.
To serve four
1/2 cup of cream
1 cup of thick Greek yoghurt
1-2 tablespoons of Barker's Vegelife
1/2 cup each of seedless red and green grapes.
1/2 cup of baby marshmallows.
Chop the grapes into quarters
Stir the Vegelife into the yoghurt to make it pink
Add the chopped grapes and baby marshmallows
Whip the cream and mix it in lightly
Spoon into long-stemmed glasses or small bowls.
Leave in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving.